Happy Birthday Ray, and my random day ^_^

Happy birthday Ray Toro, awesome guitarist ^_^.

Hmmm....Oh yeah! I'm getting a red fender stratocaster tomorrow, any idea for a name? I want something original...I went the park with my friend today, we sang Bob the Builder and eventually ran to my house to get my guitar so I could play it because there were builders working haha, she actually asked one if he was called Bob and he said "No, Michael." so then that reminded me of MCR so I started singing Bob The Drummer...

So I've had a pretty long day, getting up at 6 thirty because I couldn't get back to sleep when I woke up and then harassing builders at the local park, and emma managed to break a swing which we really didn't mean to do. And then she got sugar high and saw a sign saying something like "If you see anybody vandalising this park, please call:" and then some number, she tried to change it to our other friends number but I stopped her haha, and then since they didn't have normal swings because the park was meant for 3 year olds, they only had those weird ones with the bar things, so after finally squeezing into it I got stuck so now I've got bruises on my legs >.<, so much for wearing a skirt tomorrow...

Anybody doing anything for MCR day? Me and my cousin are gonna wear free hugs signs, go to the metro centre (this huge ass shopping centre) and see how many people hug us, Jonni (my boyfriend) is coming with us though, we're gonna do his eyes with the X's over them since he already has a Frank Iero-ish haircut and tattoo's ^_^.

Well, yeah I'm writing this since I have nothing better to do.

Lara xoxo
July 16th, 2008 at 08:50pm