Warped Tour 7/14 08

I'm terrible at writing first person, so this sucks. plus I had to write it quick.

So, we arrived around 12:30. We were by th set list, writing it down, and me and my friend Sarada decided to walk over to a gate because nobody was standing there and we wanted to be away from our parents--we didn't realize kids normally don't take their dads and moms to Warped Tour.

Two guys walked by and waved to us. I automatically waved back; I was on the phone and sort of distracted. Sarada grins broadly and I realized the two guys were William Beckett and Michael Guy Chislett.

They walk into a booth near the set list, and I can see them through a window. They put on head phones and started recording a live interview on the radio.

Next thing I know Sarada's dad has smushed his face up against the window they are behind and takes a picture. Me and Sarada feel like going in a far off hole and dying as both William and Michael start cracking up--on live radio.

We go back over to the gate, and I put my head in my hands, considering death for Sarada's father, when someone grabs my shoulder and says, "Hey."

I look up.

It's William Fucking Beckett.

His hands are cold as he shakes both our hands.

"OMIGOD I'M SOOOOO SORRY ABOUT THAT!" I blurt out, and he smiles. "It's okay," he says. "It was funny."

We talk for awhile, and then he tells us that he's doing a signing at 4:45. The he says bye, asking us if we're gunna be at the show later (we're like DUH) and he walks off. As he does, a fan girl screams at him and he tolly ignores her ;D

So we walk around for a bit, and I buy two cobra tshirts and a tai shirt. I saw Jack and I think he remembered me, because he kept on staring at me and smiling. here's the back of his head:


We saw Cobra Starship, and I swear, they were the best band there. Amazing performance.



I tolly saw William raise his eyebrows at Gabe as he sang "So kiss me good-bye...."

I love the microphone by Gabe's crotch. It screams dick at meee omg.


So I got my fave tai shirt signed by the band...I waited like two hours in line omg.


I gave a copy of my drawing of William to him and he remembered signing it at SWG.
The butcher kept on looking at it and smiling. I felt honored that he obvs liked it, because I admire his artwork so much.

and I mentioned that William's banana republic underwear was showing, and he smiled, blushed, and pulled his pants up. I really wish I hadn't said that omg. He obvs didn't find it funny :[

I saw Cobra Starship, the Academy Is..., along with Say Anything, the Higher, Settings, Charlotte Sometimes, Katy Perry, Against Me! and some Japanese all girl ska band :D

I met Charlotte Sometimes, she was so nice omg.
more pics and such later ;D

peace out,
July 16th, 2008 at 09:51pm