Terrible Accident

Ok, about a couple months ago, the most teirrble thing happened. About a day or so before Friday, I was had talked to my friend's mother. She had asked me if I could take care of their dog Bear over the weekend; now I had alright taken care of Bear once, but he was the friendliest little Pomeranian, so I said sure. Ok, It was Friday and I'd just gotten back from school. I had tennis practice that day, but my friend's mom was late, so I missed it. It was about 5:40 in the even when they arrived. Now Bear really wasn't an excitable puppy, but you must have seen where he was going. I was watching through the window waiting for them to come to the door. As my friend's mother opened the door to her car, Bear jumped out at raced out into the road.
He was hit by a car; my friend's mother raced out to Bear, as the person pulled over. Now my friend had just put down her other dog about a couple week before.Just as Bear had gotten hit, a cop was driving over the other side of the street and pulled over also. I walked out of my house walked over to a tree next to them. Bear had bloody on his paws and his head, I started crying. As the cop placed his hand on my friend's mother shoulder, he asked if she knew me, she said yes, and that i was going to take care of him. The cop took at look at him and told her that she had to put him down so he would suffer. My friend's mother asked me is I could get a towel to wrap him up in, I told her sure, and ran to get one. Just as They were getting up to go to the cops car, bear moved his head and looked at me. It hurt me so much to see him like that.
That night I cried so hard, I didn't come out of room until the morning. The next day I heard that my friend's mother had gotten a new dog. If i had just lost a dog I don't think I could get another one like until a year or so after the accident at least,but people are different for one another.
July 17th, 2008 at 01:48am