
You know what...
I never realized how lazy I am.

I mean I knew that I was a bit lazy and I procrastinate like crazy, but during the summer it's getting so bad I don't ever want to get up to do the things I really want to do.

Now that I'm taking those summer classes I feel a little more productive though, and I'm still happy about how Warped was this year.

But seriously I need to make that my New Years resolution or something.

It's getting ridiculous.

Today I laid in bed for almost two hours listening to music because I couldn't find a ride to the school today. The rest of the day I spent inside doing nothing.

Also note to self: I need to become more social.

I felt pathetic when I couldn't get a ride to school because I didn't know anyone who could give me a ride, not one.

So things I want to do:
1. Become more active.
Yes even if that means playing sports [ugh.] or something along the lines of that. Maybe even just getting out of the house more often with friends or just stop getting on the computer so much. [which will probably be insanely hard for me]

2. Become more social.
I'm unbelievably shy but maybe I can over come that this year. Hell I've been trying to over come it since 1st grade, but hey maybe the tenth years the charm.

3. And lastly become a better guitar player.
This has almost nothing to do with the rest of this blog-slash-journal thing but I've noticed how much I've disregarded my guitars and I feel bad. I mean I've been playing since the 6th grade but still sound like a beginner because I never take the time to practice. For all I know if I had kept practicing I might have been the next female version of Synyster Gates.

Well I'm done ranting about myself. I just wanted to get that off my chest.
July 17th, 2008 at 05:40am