There's One Thing I Can Do Nothing About.

So i've decided that I was going to write a journal on here, every day.
Well, maybe every other day.
Throughout the Summer at least.
It gives you all something to read, and dwell on, and me to something to do, and look forward to.
But, I promise all of them [or hopefully most of them] have some meaning.
Or hidden meaning at least.

Have you ever read something that meant so much to you?
I have.
On this site actually.
There's this little story called Anorex-A-Gogo that I've read at least four times, from beginning to end, ever since I've known about it.
If you've read it, cheers for you.
If you haven't, maybe you should check it out.

It's a ferard, and it takes place in New Jersey, of course.
It's about a boy who is searching, while the other is hiding.
And when the boy who is searching, finds what he's looking for, the boy who's hiding sheds his skin and lets down all his walls, and let's feelings consume him.
About love that was actually supposed to be.
It's so different then any other story you probably have ever read in your life.
This story means so much to me, because I can relate to it in many more ways than one.

I can honestly say, this story has changed something about me.
Something about the way I think on things.
Kind of like that whole 'look at things like the cup half full, rather then half empty' stuff.
It gave me hope when I didn't have any shred left in me.
It tore me apart from the inside out, then sewed me back together.
Through out the whole story, I felt like I was living it, because at one point, I have.
If you ask me, I can never get tired of this story.
All the twists and turns it has, always has me on edge.
No matter how many times I read it.

It's worth reading, whether you agree with me or not.
This isn't a 'promotional' journal.
Just my thoughts and feelings about a certain story that I think i'm going to read again by the end of this summer.

Other then that, how about any good reads you've read before?
I'd enjoy to check them out, if you don't mind (:
You'll be hearing from me soon.

P.S;;Yes, most of my journal titles are lyrics.
July 17th, 2008 at 06:01am