Pished off.

I'm annoyed. My cousin is visiting my home and she's not from England, she's fucking taking over! I'm seriously really close to smacking her across the face. The first thing she said to me when she came through the door

"Ew, the state of your hair." I mean, it was morning! Of course my hair was gonna be a mess!

And then she started slagging MCR in my posters! I spent ages on drawing a picture of Frank Iero for her for her birthday, she didn't say thank you, half an hour later she was using it as a mat to paint her nails on! When I said

"What the fuck are you doing?! I spent ages on that and your not even grateful!" she said "Calm down, its just so I don't spill nail varnish."
I was ready to punch her.

Then she turns off my MCR dvd without asking which should be an offence, but before she did she said Gerard had "sweaty junkie jaws" in the video, which made me even more angry.

And then she puts on some crappy chick flick without asking! The thing which made me laugh was when I was sitting on my bed at the top she actually expected me to move to the bottom of the bed and complained saying she needed to stretch her legs! So now she's sulking in the guest room because I wouldn't run around my house for her. She doesn't do any of that for me when I visit her! And then she expects assumed she could borrow one of my NEW skirts by saying "I'm borrowing that." She's gonna effing stretch it to hell since I'm tiny, the skirt is a small (long story) and she's bigger than me. I'm too damn nice to her!

She does this whenever she visits and now I've finally snapped! Well she said "Oh, is Kurt Cobain the one who blew his brains out?" and said Gerard had a "cocaine nose".
I snapped, I ranted it out to her, we argued because she assumed I was scared of her and I was just like "sure." so she stormed off and this time I'm not apologising, she can apologise to me, she complains when her boyfriends cheat on her when she was cheating on her boyfriend with four different guys, none of them new about the others.

Well, rant over..

Oh, I just got an electric guitar, any ideas for a name?

July 17th, 2008 at 05:25pm