Animal Cruelty??!! Do you think people should stop?

What if you had a dog and it ran away and another person took it into their hands and started to beat it.What if you became that dog you wouldn't like if someone started to beat you up.You don't like when people do things to you so why should you do them to animals???
First I would like to say my names Brittany and i'm 13 years old and AGIANST ANIMAL CRUELTY!
If it the worst thing to do,honestly we wouldn't want ourselves to end up how a dog is after getting beaten.
People and Companys these days think it's alright if you just go out and test their products on animals because there just like humans,WELL guess what they are but then agian what if this product was harmful and they tested it on YOU! Obviously you couldn't do anything because your an animal and they're smaller then us and more fragile.
SO please I want EVERYONE to help out agianst animal cruelty.If you see an animal that has been abused or is abused call your local police department or a NO KILL SHELTER[[in your area]]
Also if you think about calling a random shelter in your local area . think twice and see if its a no kill shelter because all around us animals are getting kill and we dont want them to just stop what your doing and think about this article.WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WISH TO BE TREATED???
July 17th, 2008 at 08:45pm