
I was being a camera-whore in the bathroom today, y'know in front of the full sized mirror? Yeah, I had fun. I did my hair up all cool and stuff.

I took probably like 30 pictures. CAMERA WHORE ALERT! I know. Sorry. Anyway, when I looked down at the counter, there was so much hair. I couldn't believe it!

You see, the reason I cut my hair was because my mom was getting tired of finding my hair everywhere (I still don't know why I'm not bald yet, I shed like a dog) my hairdresser thinned out my like a lot. I was actually really surprised about how thin it was. But still; all that hair, right there, on the counter, and all that was just from 30 min. in the bathroom! I'm actually scared! Maybe I am going bald!

Does anyone have any help? Any recommended shampoo's or something? I need help here!

This is so weird; I know!

July 17th, 2008 at 11:52pm