I Need A Boy Who...

I need a boy who:Is taller than me
is bigger than me
is attractive
is funny
is outgoing when i'm not [but not insane]
is there to talk to
can calm me down
likes//loves lip rings
likes//loves tattoos
loves my hair no matter what cut or color
can stand my randome bursts of insanity
will dance in the rain with me
won't cheat
won't use me
likes my shit loads of eyeliner
doesn't mind that i'm agnostic
tells me i'm pretty
calls me Darling, Sunshine, Sugar, Sweety, or Honey
doesn't mind i'm over weight
likes my music
likes My Chemical Romance
will go to concerts with me
won't give other girls more attention than me
doesn't mind i treat my guy friends the same as my girlfriends
i can call every night, and never have an awkward silence
i can be really open with
isn't afaid to talk about sex
will tell me how he feels about something, and not just tell me what he thinks i want to hear
likes my cats
likes my family
likes my friends
won't try and get in my friends' pants
won't leave me for one of my friends
has preferably long hair
has preferably brown//black hair

I want a boy who:
will love me
with no lies
or at least for a while.
thats my perfect lover....but no ones perfect
and i probably won't find him
at least not anytime soon
July 18th, 2008 at 01:46am