My Bestest Buddies on Mibba!

This is going to be a continuous list of my buddies here on Mibba!

Twinny! I laughed so "hair"Spopie, AIM, myspace, quizilla, joint stories, tag, virtual reality, NINJA BUNNIES, ::], and so much more. Your my besterst buddy and I'm glad we're still talking even though were on different coasts. Ill be out there soon hopefully!

Dentists, stories, Jonas Brothers, random question of the day, Pokemon cards, cutting off peoples toes, sleepover party stories, lazer tag, love/hate Starbucks, comments!
You're one of my best friends on here so I'm so glad to have talked with you so much!!!!!

Quizilla, Skittles, Spammmmmmm <3 :) lol, buddies, c-box attacks!, one shots. You were my first friend on Quizilla and I know we need to talk again to each other soon!

Kate numero uno, TGOY story, laughing, random thoughts, XD
I haven't talked to Kirsty in a while and I really need to asap!

This is what I have so far! Updates on it sooooooon :D
July 18th, 2008 at 02:35am