
The first chapter of the group story I am partaking in,
What Are You Afraid Of?
was posted last night/this morning, depending on where you live.

The first chapter was written by Poetic Tragedy,
and it's freaking awesome and you should all go read it.

Each chapter of WAYAO is written from the perspective of one of five characters, and these characters are written by; Poetic Tragedy, DarkenedHearts, drop. dead. delicious., and myself.

So, shameless whoring over.

I got my hair done today.
It took 4 hours. My hairdresser actually stayed open late just to do my hair. :D
It's now a light orangeish colour. Which sounds strange but is actually rather pretty.
Next week I'm going back to get it bleached again so that I don't have weird white roots with orange any more.
And then I'll go buy new CDs!

Also; I'm on the lookout for good OF.
Pimp/Rec as you wish.
July 19th, 2008 at 11:13am