So this is how it works...

You know how it feels when you find something you had interest in so long ago, and in turn of finding said thing you become enthralled with it again?

Recently, lying in bed like Jabba-the-hut and writing meaningless verses and poetry in my melting brain, I've been trying to find a place to put it all. And whad-ya-know! I remember mibba. Brilliant.

I found a comment that someone left me a year ago, and now I feel gross - but being fickle is bound to have its drawbacks. I should have never forgotten this website.

And now I'm off to try to fill this thing up with my mind jabber, and forget again soon enough...only to find it again sometime in a couple years. I've always enjoyed writing public things on the internet; I like humoring myself with the feeling that there are people who are actually read this shit.

And if there is, in some alternate universe, someone actually reading this, greetings from nowhere land and from a nobody lady. I am here to waste more of your time.
July 20th, 2008 at 03:08am