Mamma Mia, here I go again

I haven't updated or written a journal in quite some time, and I apologize!

I could say that my life has been pretty busy lately, but truth be told, I'd be lying!

Basically, I've pretty much just been lazy lately!

I'm not really sure what I should write right now, but I thought I should write something, just to sort of make myself feel a little better about being so negligent

If you're wondering about the title I saw Mamma Mia last night, and it is SO CUTE! Go see it! Seriously! The down side is that now I have all the Abba songs stuck in my head!
It was really fun, there's a lot of songs in that movie and Jen and I were sitting there singing all of them! haha! We're lame, I know!
By the way, Pierce Brosnan totally let himself go! No more bond abs on that guy!

On the story front I can tell you that I'm currently working on a one shot for the layout challenge on stp, I'm not sure if I'm going to post it here though, I don't really know what the people around here think about slash! xD

I'm also working on three new stories, that I might post, might not! I won't post anything until I have like at least 5000 words of that story! That way, I know if it's an idea I can actually pursue or not, I have a lot of lame ass ideas that never go anywhere, so that's the reason! I won't start posting something I don't know if I'll finish or not.

When it comes to Somewhere Over The Rainbow I'm having a bit of a writers block unfortunately.

But, I'm thinking of posting My Favorite Mistake, and if I do, I might be rewriting a few of the first chapters a little, seeing as I'm kind of embarrassed by the first chapters of that story 'cause I wrote that AGES ago! It's pretty horrible, the version I posted on quizilla had the first chapters rewritten a little, and now I hate those! You should see the original ones! But, you never will, oh well!
July 20th, 2008 at 12:55pm