"Pretty Things" by Sarra Manning


My Summary: This is a story from four teenagers perspective, Brie, Daisy, Charlie and Walker.

Brie, is a straight prissy drama queen with unbelievably low self esteem. She worships the ground, her best friend, Charlie walks upon. She is very much in love with him.

Charlie, is a gay, scene boy who is in love with straight Walker. He knows all about Brie's love for him, but he feels that its more like their bodies want each other, not their minds.

Walker, is a straight guy with a reputation for hooking up with girls way too much. He knows about Charlie's love for him, but is in love with Daisy, the hot headed lesbian.

Daisy, is a poster child for being gay. She basically loathes everyone except her girlfriend, Claire and her friend, Charlie. She is a mad, lesbian who loves no one.

They embark on a summer play with the evil Lavinia as their director. Though, they all have come to this play for different reasons, they end the summer with completely different thoughts, though all of them are connected in some small way.

Conclusion: I actually didn't really like it that much. At first, I hated every character except Charlie, but then I realized that they all had a character trait that I hated, and also figured that they all have a character trait that I love. But still, I wouldn't put this book on a pedestol.

Favorite Line: This book had quotes for every character she changed point of view for. This was from Daisy's. "She wars sad jeans torn at the waistband. Her pretty face is stained with tears."

Links: Here is chapter one of the book I found. Enjoy.


Rating: I'd give it......... I'm leaning towards 4 1/2 out of 10.

But that's my opinion.

I'd recommend this if you enjoy teenagers searching through their sexuality preference.

July 20th, 2008 at 10:14pm