Warped was so sick.
First off let me list all the bands I saw:
Angels and Airwaves
The Color Fred
The Devil Wears Prada
Family Force 5
The Pink Spiders
Say Anything
We the Kings

Unfortunately, I missed a lot of good bands though:
The Academy is...
Forever The Sickest Kids
Jack's Mannequin
The Johnstones
Mayday Parade

And then I saw a couple songs from random other bands.
Now for some moments worth mentioning:

For FF5, me and my friends were at the gate, in the dead centre.
And it was seriously the most amazing performance I have ever seen.
They had so much stage presence and energy.
Their dance moves made me laugh so hard too.
It was one of those moments of just pure happiness where everything was perfect.

And afterwards we met/got signed by all of them.
And I got a picture with Soul Glowwwwwwwwwwww.
It was so cute cause I was like "Can I get a picture?" (puppy eyes)
and he was like, "YEAH GURL, GET OVER HERE."
and then my friend goes to take it and he's like "GURL YOU HAVE TO GET CRUNK WITH ME" so we made our gangster faces.
yeah...i'm in love.

Say Anything was also quite epic.
Being in the crowd with my best friends going psyco when "Wow, I can get sexual too" came on was unforgettable.
And we met/got signed by them too.

Lastly, TDWP.
I got signed/ a picture with Daniel Williams (hahah the hot one!)
Which was great
and oh man
Their performance
We were in the pit
and it starts to POUR
not just lightly
afterwards it looked like we had all just jumped into a pool or something, we were that wet
And it was so intense
moshing in the rain?

And of course, there was the thing with the guys from this band Karrigan.
They were promoting their band and kept coming up to me and my one friend
so we ended up talking to them for like an hour
and then we drew all over Ryan's shirts.
My friend wrote "I OWN YOUR PENIS"
and i drew boobs with heart nippes.
and then he told us he would marry us, and he was saving himself for him
and he was totally up for a threesome with us :P
And later, I was just standing there with my friend.
And all of a sudden someone was signing the back of my shirt.
I start screaming.
And turn around
and it was ryan
"My heart will always belong to you, mi amore."
crazy boy.

But yeah, it was the most epic thing of life.
July 20th, 2008 at 11:45pm