That Special Guy

There's a guy in my class, he's not exactly what you would call really good-looking, but he's still cute because of what's inside. I shall not mention a name, but he is almost EVERYTHING I look for in a guy, cute, funny, dramatic, intelligent and he sings a lot!

We met on our first day of High school and I've liked him ever since, but it wasn't until this year that I had any guts to do anything about it. Valentines Day was approaching and I saw it fit to write him a poem (Yet another love poem, I have published it on Mibba) but I didn't put a name. I gave it to a friend to give to him and he seemed to like it. My friend told me that he blushed when he got it and everyone tryed to guess who it was from, the guys went through the names of basically every girl in the class and it didn't seem that they had a clue!

A week later in Social Science class, he walked up to me and toldme that he knew. I blushed and told him that I hoped it hadn't made him embaressed. My memory is not serving me very well now but I believe he said that he thought the poem was sweet.

From then on we started talking a bit more and things seemed to be going fine. We even sang some Mary Popins at the top of our lungs as we were coming back from P.E. But then it all went wrong! My theatre sports friends squessed it out of me that I liked this guy. They didn't know him personally but he has Male Chior at the same time as we have theatre sports and it's in the next room. The Male Chior runs longer and one day as we were going out I saw him and some other boys going back into their room after practicing in groups. i folishly pointed him out to one friend called Lorna who shouted his name right into his ear and then her older brother went up to him and quickly said "Rosie likes you!". I was embaressed and I sped out of the building and they came behind me laughing!

My crush had people shuving the fact that I liked him in his face so often I could just feel his akwardness towards me. We sort of drifted further away and I didn't know what to do. on the last day of term I decided I had to confront him! I went up to him when he was alone and told him that I was sorry that people kept on shuving the whole I like you bisness in his face and that I hope we could be friends. I asked him if we were cool. He nodded sort of akwardly but I still feel that I am not able to talk to him like I used to.

If any one who reads this has any advice on what I could do, I would REALLY thank you for it. Leave a comment with your veiw on my situation! (Keep in mind that I REALLY like him and I think we have lots in commen!)
April 22nd, 2007 at 05:09am