I. Need. Freedom!

I want out! I want to be somewhere else, somewhere I can really live! I know all teens say that, but I just can't stand being here anymore. I want out of this school, out of this town, heck, maybe even out of this country!

I even had a plan: I'd go to boarding school for my last two years of high school, and then off to college. But my parents won't let me go... If it's because of the money, then I can understand, but it seems that their keeping me here is just them not being ready to let me go. I'm the firstborn, and am therefore the overprotected experiment. And when I say overprotected, I mean REALLY overprotective. They try to pick my friends, the books I read, the movies I watch, everything! They won't let me make my own choices. This is completely unfair, because I've always followed their rules, I've never done anything really bad (I've never even had a detention or been grounded before), and I'm responsible. Grrr... I can't stand this anymore!!! I'm at the point where I'd rather live in a cardboard box on the streets of New York City.

I need some serious advice here...
July 22nd, 2008 at 12:23am