Screaming Infidelities

I shouldn't be talking about this, I promised i wouldn't tell anyone, but I have to share it with someone. Today, at work, this guy who usually comes in and talks to my coworker, came up to me today. We had only exchanged hellos before, and that was pretty much it. But, today was different. He walked up to me with this distraught look on his face, and asked me to step outside and talk wtith him. So I did, and to make a long story ahort, he basically came out and said that he thinks I am really cute and adorable. Which really came to a shock to me, because it wasn't obvious as it usually is with other people. And I didn't know he was friends with this jerkoff guy I know. But this guy isn't a jerkoff. He's different from any of the other guys who try to hit on me. He wasn't even hitting on me, he just told me the truth.

So after this encounter, I started thinking about my relationship with Dennis. I love him to death. We have been dating for almost two years. And I know I am in love. But early in our relationship he cheated and it took me a while to get over it. But I was worried about whether or not I can trust him. But I got over it. But sometimes I wonder, am I madly in love with him? He's my first boyfriend. I have never really kissed another boy other than him. I haven't been intimate with anyone but him. So I wonder... will my curiosity to know what it's like to be with someone else ruin my relationship with the one I love? I feel like I am now the one who can't be trusted. I haven't done anything. I haven't cheated. But, I feel like I will do something wrong. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I can't help it. I have to get over it. I have to stay faithful to Dennis. He is the one good thing happening in my life.
July 22nd, 2008 at 05:50am