
Well, lets see here. It's 5:03am and I'm WIDE awake. Its been like this for a good 2 weeks now. I've lost something that I thought was going to be with me forever. My knees and back are friggin killing me. I think i'm falling for my best friend. Blah Blah Blah! STEWPID!

1.) I can't sleep. I've been this way for quite a bit but, it's now more of the Damn, i can't get to sleep, it fudgnucking sucks!!!!!!

2) Cody, he's going crazy! He works 12 hour shifts 6 dayz a week in the blistering hot sun! And now, he's thrown me out and has a crazy ass bitch replacing me....she did this on purpose. She became jealous of me. I'm not just saying that, they got into a huge fight over it. But It hurts, but with the help of Senior Scotty, i think, i'm pretty sure, I can get through it.

3) My knees and back have been like BLAH for a bit...maybe a year and a halfish....yeah that sounds about right. But like within the past 6 months they are to the point where sometimes i can't move my knees. It hurts so bad to the point to where i cannot even move an inch without crying. But hopefully, it will be fixed soon!

4) So Scotty, he is my best friend. Like when we first met, he liked me and we kissed within 4 hours. Well, he was unavailible and didn't tell me till afterward. But he stil continued to call me and we'd hang out and stuff. then pretty soon, we were like BESTFRIENDS. We'd hangout with eachother every weekend and stuff. So now, we are both single. we've been EXTRA flirty towards each other but he's sending signs to me. But he is also talking about this other girl he likes. I know he wants too.....I can tell, just both of us don't want to ruin something thats already amazing! Its just GAHHH!!!!!!!!!! I want it to be bibbity bobbity boop and it be solved!
July 22nd, 2008 at 12:20pm