Purple Spoons

Hello there

ok so yesterday I was searching through piles and piles of fanficrtion about billy talent and my chem and i came across ben kowalewicz and bob bryar slash on live journel. no word of a lie, it has to be one of the sexiest things i've ever read. i think i'm going to put the link up here so you guys can read it to. the person who wrote this is an amazing writer and she described everything to a T. she also had ray torro and anthony kedis slash but i forgot to add that one to my favourites list. but once i find it i will be putting the link up here. i've also found thee most beautiful alexisonfire song i've ever heard. it's called "side walk when she walks" it has inspired me to either start a new series after i've finshed "and if you want me well i guess i want you" or make a one-shot about it. but anyways i'm off to practice my bass i've got lessons tonight.

ben kowalewicz and bob bryar slash link: http://fastbetty31.livejournal.com/101876.html#cutid1
July 22nd, 2008 at 06:13pm