
Has anyone ever noticed that life is just something that has things that bring you up, but they always end up bringing you down too? Like love, you find the person you want to be with, you spend time together, think they love you, think you're going to be together forever just because that's what they tell you, then 8 months later or so [hypothetically thinking], they break your heart like you were never together to start with. I honestly, don't know why it's like that. You would think that it would last forever and you'd be happy for the rest of your life, but it never happens that way. You would also think that during the relationship, if you love each other, everything would be fine always. But, i've realized that it doesn't work that way either. You come up with flaws and instead of accepting them, you criticize. You get into this fight and it tears you apart. If summer comes, you don't see each other that much, and that tears you up as well. So basically, during and after the relationship, it basically is just heartbreak. Unless your like Cupid and never fight, if you don't, your the luckiest son of a jew out there. But, have you noticed that when someone starts liking you, you have no clue. They show signs but you pay no attention. Sometimes I wish I didn't see signs like that. Then, heartbreak would never happen. You're happy someone likes you, then you start liking them, they ask you out, you stupidly say yes just because you think he's different from other guys, you're happy for the first 5 or so months, then things start going downhill with never seeing each other and fights. In the end you're glad you found them, but just want them back. It seriously sucks like no other..
July 23rd, 2008 at 12:04am