For Flipping Sake,

So, I have been in one of the crappiest moods in the last twenty or so hours. You see,
My ex added my myspace, and, well, we ended up back together. Um, tah-dah...
And to be honest, I don't like him. But I don't know how to say no. Stupid me. I'm always afraid to hurt someone's feelings.
Urgh. Enough.
Other than that, I'm psyched for Warped! I hope all goes to plan. I'll have to pursuade my sis to straighten my hair.

Okay. So enough about my personal life. About my new story, Smiling Oaks...


Please. It's not pre-finished and typed like my others, but I'm really putting my all into it. So, please, I'd love it if you'd read it.

So, that's it.

July 23rd, 2008 at 02:08am