ummm what shall i put here??????? ahhhh idk what ever this is good.

well lets see where do i start... i think a hello is good to start with.....


well anyways theres no really point of this but ill try and find one....

lets see ummm...

i'm sorry i haven't updated anything lately i just haven't been all here lately.... ummm no i haven't been day dreaming.... but i'll try and update A.S.A.P...

i also have a new story but im debating weather or not to post it yet or wait till im done writing it type it all up then post it all at once..... i dont know tell me what you think!!!

but umm i know im on really late to night and its not my fault its clara's!!! im joking :) i loves you C!!!!!!!!!! and i love you to S!!!!!!!!!! and i love you all to but there more special!!!! hahahaha!!!

but any ways like i told C i got highly embarrassed today:(

were where standing in line at the store and my grandma was talking to the lady behind us and the cashier was pretty cut and the lady asked me where i was from and i was like Brampton and she like well its much better up here less pollution and i was like yeah and cute boys and i didn't think anyone heard me and the cashier looked over at me and was like are you refureing to me... and my face turned like 50 shades of red and the hes like awe shes blushing and then hes like 'how you do in?' and i turn even more shades of red trying not to laugh and he kept staring at me then when he went to hand my grandma the receipt hes like here let me right my number down and i was like i have a cell its alot easier then my gramma grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the store:( no diggets for Britty:(

okay lets she how many times did i use the word like? six... okay thats not that bad!!!! lol

umm what else???

ahh new news!!!! i got glasses yet again...but these ones are only for reading... i also bought two new out fits while i was out shopping i also bought other junk and MONSTER!!!! yay i finally got another one!!!!!! and it was only an hours drive to get

umm what else and no C i was just joking gullible is in the dictionary still..... but i had to tell you it wasn't lol.....

umm lets see I'm also gonna write a couple more poems and post them.... and see what ever...

umm i also don't care if you don't like my poems. stories, randomness or just plain me! well all have our opinions and if we all liked each other then there wouldn't be a f'in war going on!!!!

but please if you don't have anything nice to say about me or my friends then keep it to your self because i don't tolerate asses and people who think there better than everyone!!!!!!

ummmm.....i got this weird e-mail from someone but i never answered them so I'll answer now.... yes i do have a high pain tolerance i do quite enjoy pain... but i hate when my heart gets broken but thats only happened once so its okay :)

umm lets see its 12:45 and im sooooooo tired but im talking to C so shes keeping me a wake :) yay i don't know what i would do with out her :P

umm omg i dont know if any of you have saw...well you probly havent cause your problyy all asleep right now but my comment on clara's journal is accually longer that her

umm omg i cant take the quiteness of my house!!!!!

ummm what else ???

i think i shal say good bye for now cause C wants to read this XP

GOOD BYE FOR NOW!!!! :):):)

loves you all...... -cough- some more than others-cough-


-loves C- -Loves D- -loves K- -loves S- -loves M-
July 23rd, 2008 at 06:50am