Green Day Album Rumors

Okay this is Green Day music news... so if you don't like Green Day, and despise them a lot... I wouldn't read this.

Anyways... I have started to hear rumors about the band. I'm not completely sure, and don't take my word for it. Remeber I said "these are rumors." Anyways back to the topic. Off of a reliable source and Green Day sites, I've heard and read that Green Day are on their way of making a new album. A follow up to American Idiot.

I know... I'm excited too, and I pray to God that this is true. If it turns out to only be rumors and shit (excuse my language) then don't be mad at me. If I hear any more news about them then I will write a new journal entry... just please don't give a hundred percent of hope in this news, because it might be false statments... not that I'm saying I'm a liar... I just felt the need to pass the news around.

Like I've said earlier, I will update if anything new comes up. And if you know anything about Green Day and what they are up too, please share, I'll be happy to post it under your username.

Wow I sound like a... never mind. Anyways... yeah, that's it! Please don't be angry at me if this isn't true.

(PS This has nothing to do with Foxboro Hot Tubs, this is Green Day, not a side band that I am talking about. Just so you know, and so that there won't be any confusion. Again, please don't be mad at me if this ain't true.)
July 24th, 2008 at 07:45am