Paris and the most awesome present ever. (Kinda My Chem related)

I just got back from Paris late last night. I was only gone for five days but it felt like FOREVER. We did all sorts of things, but my favorite was definitey Disneyland, by miles. I had a lot of fun that day. =)

We were travelling back all day yesterday, which was, of course, international MCR day! I guess I was kinda international, seeing as I was in France one hour and England the next, haha. I also wore one my My Chem t-shirts in honour of the day.

But then thing I really want to sqee about...When I was away in Paris my mum and dad went to York and when I rang them my dad said they'd bought me a really nice present that was MCR related which I would love...So I was very curious.

They gave me the present yesterday and it is AMAZING. It's five little paintings, one of each band member, and they are brillant! They are so well done, and look so much like them it's unreal. Apparently the person that painted does a lot of other My Chem art too - She has a website, I've lost the link but I'll ask my dad for it again and then I'll take some pictures of the paintings and put them in a journal with the link to the site if anyone wants it. I'm so amazed by them! I dread to think how much it cost my mum and dad for all five, though. They also brought me back some Umbrella Academy badges from a comic shop there, and said they have a lot of UA merch. It's really made me want to go to York, lol!

So yes, I'm pretty happy right now! It's nice to be home, too. Plus I have six weeks to just just chill, as school officaly broke up yesterday...So I'm feeling very content. =)
July 24th, 2008 at 01:22pm