The Family Meeting at the Drug Haven

Hi Everyone.

Today we went to this place where my Mom goes for drug counselling (she is a drug addict and is trying to get better; at least she says she is trying to get better). Anyway my Dad, Mom and I had to go there to discuss the damage my Mom and her drugs had done to us. It was rather boring, I didn’t want to talk anyway, and I certainly do not want to show my feelings to some strangers and my parents.

My Dad mostly talked, my Mom didn’t talk at all since she was told not to. My Dad got really angry and kept complaining that the room was to cold and kept going to the toilet much to the therapist’s anger. We eventually left and my Mom was crying and saying she wanted to die and that she wanted to go to hospital.

We then went to drop my applications off at the rich school. (Yesterday we just went for an interview). Then my maths tutor Nicky arrived. Apparently this is her third last lesson before she leaves to the UK. After that we went to the shops to buy some food for my Russian Dwarf hamster Kit Kat.

Also, does anyone have MySpace?

Well that is about all that has happened today. I will update again soon.

July 24th, 2008 at 07:07pm