wow wow wow umm yay!!!

heyy guys:)
i am glad to say i have posted another chapter today and i will be posting a new story tonight so i hope you like that one :)

awe c. i have bad news:( and good news:) but im not going to tell everyone so i'll tell you on msn later XD

but today went good:P i went tubbing and almost died:P my grandfather decided this time he would get me out of the tube...which he failed but it was all cool :P
i also went skiing and dropped one and had one dude check me out :P i can say i didnt mind it
though :P

umm i finally got ungrounded from the computer so im back:) YAY!!!! i missed you all :)

any ways ahhh C i missed you soooooooooooooooooo much yesterday.... i had to put up with my grandma's friends granddaughter...shes such a little bytch!!! she thinks shes soo much better than everyone else just because her parent have money!!! ahh i hate her!!!

she is no where near as fun as you!!!! and no where as pretty:)

awe the bad news almost made me cry so hurry up and get online!!!!
well im going to go and talk to people on msn and facebook and type up some more stuff:) ttyl

love you all <3
July 25th, 2008 at 03:19am