Zzzomg, guys are confusing/idiots...

So I'm on tagged [stupid crappy version of bebo basically]
and I get a message from this guy [and tbh i think hes kinda hot, hes 17, i'm 14 but yeah whatevs :P]
so i reply
and we carry on talking
until i find he lives like 5 minutes away from me
then he asks for my msn
and i give him it
then we're talking on msn
and yeah...he starts to make almost everything thats said kinda dirty
so we end up have that sorta conversation

So we've been talking for about 2 days
and hes like i really wanna meet you
so i'm like yeah i wanna meet you too
so we decide to meet up the next day [today[if my mum found out she would kill me plus you shoulda been there when i told her i was kinda friends with people who are 19, she flipped and started talking about girls being raped in broad daylight, i'm just like wtf?! so i hate to think what she would say if i told her i met a 17 yr old who i met over the internet]]
before i went to town with my friends...
so we meet at the park down the road [and he doesnt turn out to be as hot as once thought, his nose was kinda big tbh, i'm shallow sometimes..yes, but he is nice]
and first its all like awkward silences
and just making crappy conversation bout the holidays
then we actually get onto proper conversation, which leads to me telling him i'm one of the most ticklish person like ever
and he starts tickling me
until we just basically end up cuddling
and holding hands and ya know that sorta stuff
and him trying to put his hand down my shorts, and basically feel me up
buut i was sensible and ya know moved his hand
so we're like that for about an hour
and a few times he tried to kiss me
but i moved away

now i bet you all just think that this is just me telling you a pointless story
he has a girlfriend
and says theyve been going out for ages
and even he has admitted it would be kinda a big deal if he cheated on her
which i definately understand

Anyway i was talking to him on msn earlier
and he was like i still cant believe how sexy you are
and i really liked holding your hand and all this sorta stuff

and yeah we're gunna meet up again

my friends think hes a jerk
cause of what hes doing to his girlfriend
but i think hes nice...
but i dont think i fancy him

BUT he has a girlfriend
Guys are confusing
July 26th, 2008 at 10:54pm