Stance on abortion

Personally, I see no problem with it, as long as it is done before a certain point in the pregnancy. People always go on about how you are taking a life, but really, a thing that is two inches long and has no awareness or concept of life and personhood is not really a person. Aborting well-devolped foetuses is another issue entirely, and I wouldn't dare to venture there, but I think that very early termination at least does no harm.

Abortion seems to cause such a huge debate because it involves words like 'killing' and 'murder', but you have to think about how these terms are being applied. Murder doesn't just imply killing, but also harm. Murder inflicts suffering and pain. Even 'killing' suggests violence against something that has an interest in staying alive. But a four-week-old foetus -not even a foetus, but rather a ball of cells- has no interest in living. It is simply not capable of having one. At that stage, it has no brain, nor any recognisable organs and is only alive in the sense that it is part of its mother.

And so, if by aborting such a ball of cells a woman and her family can improve the quality of their lives, I see no harm in it. And when it comes to stem cell research, can you really award life to something that doesn't even have a desire to live over, say, a fully developed human who is aware that they are dying?
July 27th, 2008 at 08:36am