school, family, life

school starts august 21st..blah
im so scared to go into high school...but actually really excited.
so anyone that just got outta there freshman year..or have allready been a freshman..
got any advice?
GOOD advice?

plus im having family issues. a family member of mine is in consoling because she got involved or caught with drugs. i told herr id help her through it but i really dont know what to do about that either.
i knew she was gonna get involved with stuff like this ever since we were little kids but..i didnt know she was actually...ugh...i dont even know what im gonna say to her when i see her labor day weekend..i hope she can get through this. are family isnt being very supportive towards her, not even her mom.

anyway..i need advice on anything.on life basically...and please dont say ur not the only one with problems! and shit like that..cause i know im not i choose to admit them and complain :x

much lurv,
July 27th, 2008 at 09:23am