dance across the country!

ok i went to the dance across the country tour on july 19 and it was the best night of my LIFE!!

me and my friend marissa got there at like 2:30 cuz we lied to her mom and told her we got this special mark that made us get front row and she bought it!! :D

and at like 3:15 The Cab finally got there and Ian came out first and we got pictures and then we were like we got presents for you! and he yelled "JOHNSON THEY GOT US PRESENTS!!" so Johnson came over and talked to us. We gave Ian such random stuff like a pony book and coffee and cereal. and he said him and johnson are gonna read together later! and then he pulled me into an amazing hug, and i didn't even have to ask.
then johnson we gave a fun hat and he put it on and laughed. it was like a joker hat that lights up. we also gave him maracas and he was like "yes, now i get to annoy people." which he did, before they left at the end we saw singer smack him in the back of the head because he was playing with them!
then we met marshall. seriously one of the nicest guys on the planet....except he yelled at us like 10 times. haha. we wrote the 10 things we loved about all of them on a sheet of paper and for him is said his scar, and he got really quiet and was like "i hate my scar." which of course made me and my friend feel super bad! but then he met my friends mom randomly. and he kept playfully hitting me and marissa. it was really cute tho. and we gave him bagels and he got super excited! he was like *in a british accent*"JIZZLE!! *end accent* They watched the cabin video!! The one with the bagel stash!! THEY GOT ME BAGELS!!" it was adorable.
then he had to unload stuff and Singer came out. We told him we wanted pictures first, but he saw the presents and got like a five year old w/ sugar. so we had to yell at him (not really yell at him, but yeah) he said "YOU GOT ME A HANNAH MONTANA DOLL!?!" and we were like "No you can't look yet!" him: "But its so obvious! can't i just have it now?" us: "NO! you have to wait!" him: laughs "fine..." so then when he got the doll he took it out and started singing See You Again and tweaking out because it had a little microphone with it. he's such a nerd, but my favorite person in the entire world!
then we saw cash and he wasn't really in a talkative mood, idk. he seemed different than the first time i met him at RRRGLT. so there wasn't really any story's there.
so we went back to talk to Marshall and asked if we could pick out his clothes and he was like "NO!!" but we kinda did anyways!
we picked out johnson's for the next day cuz he had to wear Sing It Louds since it was Minneapolis and thats where Sing It Louds from.

then it was time for the concert and it was amazing.
The Morning Light are amazing live. Harrison is adorable. When I met him I was like yeah i was on the other side of the pole in the middle of the stage. "There was a pole in the middle of the stage?" umm.. yeah. it was huge "Oh, i guess i didn't notice that! i'm not very observant. *giggles*" then i was like oww i have a headache! "Oh I'm soooo sorry!" and he was so sincere about it. it was cute.

Then Steel Train. I went in not liking them and thinking they were mean, but they were the so nice! Justin asked me and marissa to dinner, but we didn't realize he did until after. we were upset about that. The drummer of Steel Train is my best friend. I asked him to be and he said of course. They were such sweet hearts. I love them forever.

Then The Cab played. They were AMAZING!!! They had soo much energy and we amazing. I was infront of Ian and asked him for a high five when he was setting up and he laughed and gave me one. Singer was rite infront of me most the time and when he stood on the edge of the stage he kicked me in the boob. it hurt. haha, but i didn't really care. someone had there elbow in the back of me the whole time so i almost fainted cuz I couldn't breathe, it was really scary.

we left after the hush sound to spend more time with The Cab. We saw Ian and I remembered something I wanted to ask him so I got really excited and was like "OH!!!" and he jumped back and was a little scared but then he just laughed at me.
Marissa hit her head on Marshalls piano (she was on the other side of the stage) and he was like "Did you like it?" it was really funny...maybe you had to be there? haha.

and then we left. :[
One of those night (haha) i will never in a million years forget and I would relive it in a instant.
July 27th, 2008 at 07:39pm