So... Hungry... Haven't... Eaten... All... Day...

So, yeah, I haven't been eating much lately. Enough to keep me going, but not a lot. The sight of food makes me nauseous (yeah, I know, you just really needed that picture in your head). No, I'm not anorexic, I just don't feel like eating, even though I'm hungry. Yes, I know that makes no sense. So, I'm now confused, starving, and sad... And I don't know why I'm sad. I'm not depressed, just kind of... blek. I don't even know why I'm typing this journal. Maybe I just need human contact. *Sigh*... And now, back to school and another day of blekness. Sorry for wasting your time, fellow Mibbians. I'll probably delete this later and put up something more... mmm... "peppy".
July 28th, 2008 at 04:05pm