What has the world come to?

Okay, well my brother gets out of Prison on September 15th, 2008.
I'm not so happy about that. Why you ask? Well, if your going to let a sister raping woman beating ass fuck out of Prison, after only a YEAR spent in the fucking state pen, then the fucking police system and justice system is just plain, WHACK!

Let's just say, my brother is a sick twisted *Insert curse word here* and he needs to be punished for it. He was picked up like, times, ALL ON THE SAME CHARGE!
Violation of probation, Possesion of Marijuana, Possesion of Methanphetamine, and beating on his Fiance!

What I can't seem to comprehend, is that why in the hell would you let someone off for a YEAR in Prison, for all of those charges! Am I missing something here? Seriously.

Oh, and another thing, I've reported that he did some acts on me when I was 5-13 years old, and yet, NOTHING has been done about it! JUST like they let that guy go scar free, for raping and killing 7 children! WHAT THE FUCK?!

To top that all off, when that happens to you, and you tell your mom, she has the nerve to say, 'It's happened to him, so he can do it to you.' OR She tells you to your face that SHE DOESN'T BELIEVE YOU! I mean come on, a flippin' 7 year old wouldn't lie about that! Let alone, know what the hell he was doing, so she kept her mouth shut about it!

Please, comment on this journal if you have an opinion, or something you want to share, this just really irks me, on how shit is so fucked up now-a-days.
July 28th, 2008 at 07:33pm