Friends Suck. Words Hurt.

"He's just not good for you, sweetie."

"He'd only take advantage of you."

"But you're just a kid."

"Wait, you like him? Him? Really? Really? Seriously?"

"But... Why him?"

"Of all the fish in the sea, you had to choose a shark."

"Better to jump off that boat while you can still reach shore."

"Forget him. He sucks. Try me instead."

"He'll only break your heart."

"I don't think he's ever felt anything for anygirl that wasn't a side effect of a hard-on."

"You'd only be a prize for him, kiddo. Like, he'd be- or try to be- all of your firsts. And it's also narcissistic. He knows you never forget your first."

"But you're so sweet and innocent, and he's so.... Not."

"He gets bored easily and quickly. The second he loses his interest, he drops it on the floor and goes off in search of something shinier. You probably couldn't hold his interest any longer than it would take for him to get you on your back."

"If you have to, keep your heart out of his reach."

"He's had 11 girlfriends since May. That's more than most people have 20 years!"

"He's a fan of acting like a rockstar. Groupies and all that stuff."

"He's not your type."

"You're not his type- You're smart and know when to say 'no'."

"You don't REALLY like him, do you?"

"He's a dick."

"He's a jerk."

"He's a heartbreaker. I think he enjoys it."

"He's an asshole."

"I love the guy, but I really hate how he treats girls. It's like he thinks they're just there as playthings."

"He's kind of stupid."

"He's a bad kisser. Then again, kissing's not exactly what he's after."

"He's a good actor."

"No seriously. Why him?"

"HAHAHAHAH- Oh, wait. You're serious?"

"You can do better."

"If I had to explain, I'd think... You, I think of as a field in summer- All blue skies and innocence and happiness.. And he's like, a grungy bar at midnight. Thy're both awesome in different ways, but they just don't.... Go together, you know?"

"He only ever has one thing on his mind. Or, actually, three: Music, sex, and how to get sex."

Wow. Thanks guys.
I finally find a guy that I like past a flirtation or something to toy with for a while (Sorry, but it's true), and this is the support I get.
There's only so long you can laugh stuff like this off. And hearing it and variations of it from almost everyone I know almost every day for almost six months sucks.
July 28th, 2008 at 09:49pm