School is coming up and I can't wait

I'm really bored/tired...More tired then bored therefore making me have no motivation to un-bored myself
Anything cool anyone wants to talk about? I'm really just randomly speaking...again, because I do that =P
If anyone is as bored as me will they go read my story called Missing?
Its about a girl who is crazy lol.
Ummm right now I'm sick and my tonsils are swollen and it hurts like hell! =/ =(
Gahhh I don't feel like writing 100 words....bleee blahhh...yea um, yeah...
School is coming up and I can't wait. I love school! however, I am going to have a hard time keeping up with it because I'm doing college online too 0_0
July 28th, 2008 at 10:39pm