Normal Conversation Betwen My Brother and I

I felt bored, so I decided to post this "conversation" me and my brother had at this restaurant.

Edwin- Are you gonna eat that?
Me- Duh.
Edwin-Can I have it?
Me- No.
Edwin-Pretty please with a skittle on top?
Me-Sure! Wait, NO!
Edwin-YO MOMA! Ha! What you gonna do now BITCH?
Me-She's your mom too!
Edwin-Is NOT! You said I was adopted!
Me-You dumb shit!
Edwin-You're the dumb shit!
Edwin-Hey people! My sister dates online!

*random person walks by and stares at us*

Me- Oh, I'm sorry! I just forgot to give him his morning meds. You see, he's a little on the looney side.
Edwim- You asshole! I trusted you to remember!

*random person gets scared and walks away*

Me and Edwin start cracking up.
April 23rd, 2007 at 02:40am