My idiotic cousin...who must think I'm dumb!

So, this is how the story goes! My cousin decided to write about me in her diary. I kept looking' over to see what she was writing...and she got really defensive. So, then the next day she decides to use her diary as a poem book, when she can’t even write poems...
But, anyways, she rips out the pages, and sets them in the trash can! Lying wide open!
(Caution: This may be a little gruesome!) Since this is just my room trash can, I reach in there and grab them out.
She wrote:
OMG! I can't wait until I get to leave on Sunday! "Kela" (I am not to use my full name) makes me do everything with her. (FYI: My mom said I can’t leave her alone...I'm suppose to entertain my guest) She makes me stay up all night! (Excuse me? you’re a** can sleep whenever your tired! I don't like people in my room when I'm not in if she was really tired...and I mean really tired, she can sleep on the floor. It ain't that bad). I got a text from Haley and she READ IT!!! (B***h you should have told me not to then huh? If you see me about to read it then tell me no!) She is so irritating, I am only still here cause of her brother, sisters, nieces, mom, and dad. (Then get your s**t out of my room and stay with them!)

Oh, and did I tell you? She tried to take my 3 week year old niece from me, and wasn't even holding her head! What are you trying to do to her?

If she is so excited to leave home, then just guess how I feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----I love my cousin............(that was sarcasm for those who didn't know)-----------
July 31st, 2008 at 05:18am