I wish..`

-people weren't so nosy.
-i had my new guitar already. >_O
-i was taller.
-i was pretty.
-i was skinnier. wait..idunno. yeah...
-i had a driver's liscence.
-i had a car.
-i wasn't so lame. .-.
-my future turns out the way i plan it to.
-the world wasn't as self-centered.
-my name was in SpellCheck. ;)
-some dogs weren't so mean.
-the songs i wrote actually made sense sometimes.
-that people were more forgiving at times.
-people used this face more. @_@ [hehe, i think its adorable]
-this stupid journal would let you use however many words you freaking want.
-i could watch my dog eat peanut butter...again. :D
-i had the chance to meet the lead singer of There For Tomorrow.
-i could meet all of my favourite bands.
-people would stop criticizing the way i spell 'favourite' and 'colour'. LEAVE ME ALONE.
-i could read my music notes better. >/////<
-that i didn't have to hide so many things. /:
August 1st, 2008 at 02:06am