I got A new laptop!

yup I did! It is so awesome! you turn it around and write on it. It's tricky and it'll take some getting used to fer sure! But it still rocks!! I love it so much! *hugs laptop to death*

Unfortunately, I had to stop writing. I was in the first paragraph and it came out: pjshdd sgdtstj rove it! Either my handwriting sucks that bad or I did it wrong. *shrugs* I'll get the hang of it eventually. It's not fancy ad OOOHHH sparkles! But, it's really cool. It's my first ever laptop. ^^

I already put a pictureof Gerard Way as my desktop! YAY!

Well now ya'll know I got a laptop. *dances* See ya!

PS: When I got it I'm like, "Ok I'm making a journal on Mibba as soon as I get home!" I'm such a mibba addict. :P
August 1st, 2008 at 04:24am