Really sorry you guys.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry to say this but I think my writing days are over. I just have no inspiration to write. I consistantly check the site but every time I open up a blank document to finish a story I can barely type a paragraph and even's really shitty. And I don't know about you but I'd rather have no story at all than a really really crappy one.
I may continue to write in the future. I've been doing Quizilla since I was 12 and now I'm feeling like I'm a little too old. Also...Green Day hasn't come out with a new album in ages...I feel like they've dissapoeared of the planet.
But anyway, good news...I'm engaged!! Now that I have wedding plans I'm super busy. Blah.

But please keep in touch. I will constantly check the site. And I love to hear from all of my friends. =]

Lots and lots and lots and lots of love to my readers!
Addiebell. =]
August 1st, 2008 at 06:38am