Seek the Answers.

Thinking can be one's downfall.
As can not thinking.
Where is the line? How do we know when we've crossed it?
There's no telling. So many things are uncertain.
We just have to be content in knowing nothing.
Is there even an answer?
We'll never know for sure.
Sometimes it can be so nerve wracking. We're just living our lives in vain.
Ignorance is truly bliss.
A very good friend of mine said the person who said that was ignorant themself.
That may be true, but if you don't know the question, you don't worry about the answer.
If you don't worry about the answer, you have nothing to contemplate.
Ignorance may be bliss, but it is no way to lead a life. Especially when it's human nature to question things.
We seek knowledge.
There is a reason our genus and species is Homo sapien.
Sapiens is latin for wisdom.
We as humans strive to find the answers.
Maybe not so much as individuals, but as a species, we do.
I want to seek the answers.
I know there's a slim to nothing chance of me finding any, but I want to hear other's takes on the answers.
I want to learn.
I want to answer the questions that have plagued the greatest minds of our world.
Is there life on other planets?
Is there a purpose to our lives?
Were we created by some random atoms forming together?
Piper, piper, lead me to the answer.
Who is the piper?
Is there one piper?
Are there many?
Am I my own piper?
Am I the only piper for myself?
Sleep, sleep, the only time we are true to ourselves.
Dream the sweet dreams of things we desire.
See what you love, fear, all is well.
Nothing is real.
All is related, is it not?
Sleep, sleep, rest your mind. Unconciousness takes over and steals your senses.
False reality.
Is there such a thing as reality?
Illusion, illusion, show me what I seek.
Even if it isn't true, it will make me happy.
I can live in the ignorance thinking I know.
But, again, that is no way to live.
Again, we never will know anything for sure.
Doesn't that mean we're all living in ignorance?
Knowing the answer to no questions, not even knowing the vast majority of the questions we are to ask.
Piper, piper.
Sleep, sleep.
Twist, twist.
My friend got me thinking.
Deep thinking.
Philosophically thinking.
The sad thing is I'm only using, what, 2% of my brain to think?
Maybe the answers are hard-wired into the unused portion of our brains.
Maybe that's the true reason we exist.
To carry and pass on the meaning of life.
...if there is one.
Sleep, sleep.

Just as sand in an hourglass, such are the days of our lives.
August 1st, 2008 at 07:46am