The Fall of Freedom.

Freedom?! You call this freedom?!
This isn't freedom! Everything holds you back!
Can you just leave? Just walk out that door? Leaving everything? Without a second thought? Yes? No? I couldn't. Not now anyways. And that, my friends, is what kills me.
I want to leave. So bad. I just want to drive off into the distance, chasing the sunset. I want to live in the mountains, up high, without the worry of plumbing or taxes or electricity or technology. I want to be enlightened. Why can't I? I envy those who can just go.
That's what I want from life-- freedom. Some people want companionship. Others want success or prosperity. Still others want fame. What do you desire? What do you want from life? Do you even know? You should! You're only hurting yourself if you haven't discovered your desires. Are you free? Are you?! All of our freedoms are fading into oblivion. Freedom of speech? Please. Tell a teacher or a cop to go fuck themselves, and you're in for it. Freedom of religion? Only in theory. Besides, religion is only the beginning of the tyranny of modern society! Freedom of the press? That's why reporters are fired-- for saying something that degrades the nation. And, by far, my favorite, freedom to petition the government. Oh, how I love this one. I guarantee if one people or a million people petitioned the government, they'd be tried for treason. Where are our freedoms? Did they flee? Was it the greed? Was it the money, the fame, the... glory?
But, you know what? I am enlightened! You're all the mechanical goats climbing to the top of the mountain. I've been there! I've climbed that mountain! Do you want to know what's there? Nothing! Nothing is at the top of that mountain. It's the exact same as all of the other mountaintops you've crossed. It's... it's the same. And yet you continue to climb and heave and force yourself up that mountain. It's sad. You have my pity. Wouldn't you rather be the beast watching, reclining, already knowing. The goat, he's way under the bell curve. Same for the bull. But the beasts, we are, as they say, ahead of the curve. We really know what's going down. Us. The Enlightened. The Eternally Scorned. Such a life to live. Still, no freedoms, but it is our quest to retrieve them. We must bring them back. Else, it is our civil duty, the Destroyers, the Untouchables, the Beasts, the Freaks, to enlighten the illuminated and dim them down to our level. For, would you rather be the ignorant, the mindless, mechanical, mundane? Or, perhaps, you could listen, and then have a think. And don't just think. Think. Think deep. Comtemplate. Perceive. Philosophize. And, when you're ready.
Trust me.
You'll know where to find us.
August 1st, 2008 at 08:42am