
I am finally over the whole best friend lying and stabbing me in the back thing. Notice i said finally. Things have totally gone up hill and gotten better for me now that they are gone. I felt that when she would complain about her life i would also feel bad and then when i would like some guy she would always be like telling me lies about him which really sucked and never helped anything. Now i finally am talking to this one friend of mine way more and like now i am finally kinda seeing something in him and we are becoming closer than we were before and i think that its because she isn't in my way or inflicting my ideas about who i like and people are finally kinda noticing that about me.
I just feel better without her, but recently she has been making me very mad and frustrated, she is trying to take some of my friends away from me which really hurts and sucks. I don't know, its just really annoying and its agitating and i know I'm not the only one out there to go through this.
August 2nd, 2008 at 01:03am