Breaking Dawn

Okay.... I've always told myself that I wasn't Twilight obsessed, which my friends thought was funny since if you look in a dictionary for the definition of fangirl you get a bic pic of me. ...Tonight, I may have proved myself wrong. I bought the book at the midnight release.

I know what you're thinking. So what if you did! Maybe even an 'I did too!' HOWEVER, you must understand the circumsatnces in which I bought this (No, I didn't steal it from a little girl). I work at six flags 8 hours a day, for 5 straight days a week. MY job entails me running about 200 ft back and forth for those eight hours continuously, running on average about 8 to 10 miles. Everyday, when I get off, my feet HURT, and it only gets worse as the week progresses. I've worked since Wednesday, so my feet were killing me today. HOWEVER, despite this fact, I walked the 2.4 miles from my job at six flags to the closest book store (Barnes & Noble) to get the book at midnight. It was about 9:15 by the time I got there. THEN, when I bought the book, I walked the 3 miles from Barnes & Noble to my aunt's house (wheere I am staying) and got here at 1:15 am.

I even saw a few interesting things on the way home; a high speed police chase (passed right by me) and a man hopping out of a 2nd story apartment building and running w/ his pants half down, then a man running to the window shouting a few ...obscene words at him, telling him that if he ever saw him again he was dead. Now in the midst of my walk home, I passed about ....10 police cars (only 5 were in the chase) and would you believe not one stopped to check on me?! This town has BIG gang problems, and not one cop checked to see if a 17 year old girl walking alone at 1 in the morning was okay!

ANYWAYS.... sorry... I'm a little ADHD. But I'd say that walking an extra 5.5 miles after having walked at least 8 at one in the mornign in a town with BIG gang problems JUST for the book Breaking Dawn, I must either be crazy or obsessed. So there ya have it.

Oh. and I might call in "sick" tomorrow (today) just so I can read the book. In my defense, I did get sick today and wasn't feeling good till late tonight... last night... whatever.
August 2nd, 2008 at 08:49am