My Outlook On Being A Cold Blood Killer (Not Saying That I Am)

I have found myself utterly bored over that last week due to apparently being struck down with "Whooping Cough" and I sometoimes just sit back and think about current affairs; death, war, famine, stupid politics and their stupid rules which are meant to make everything right, and of course, not forgetting the saddest of them all, celebrities.
But my main foucus is set upon murderers.

I hava always been facinated how the mind works/functions. It is a very interesting area to ponder about when you're lying around, surrounded by technology, but not even technology itself can seem to satisy your lust for excitement.

Just recently, an Australian tourist man was visiting the Greek Isles, but his trip was cut short when about four bouncers of the club (of where the man was enjoying himself) followed him out of the club and bashed him until he was left in a critical condition and was put on life support. However, even life support can only provide happiness for a limited amount of time. The man died and only ONE of the bouncers was sentenced to prison on a charge of murder. The others were charged with "Commiting Greivous Bodily Harm".

It makes you... well, it makes ME think of how someone can be so provoked to sink THAT low. To take the life of another; of your own species let alone a human in general. And then, you think back to other murderers.

Cases of murdering complete strangers, rape and THEN murder, torture and then murder, murdering best friends, murdering relatives, murdering whole families, murdering your own siblings, and then, there is the one that breaks my heart in two; the murder... of your own parents.
I haven't been one to completely ADORE my parents, like many teenagers, I turn out somewhat stubborn and believe that my life is my own, but there is no way on Earth that I could ever harm them in the way that people in the world do today. Aren't parents the ones that help you grow, love you, feed you, remind you that you are special to someone one way or another? To take that away from yourself is torture enough. Then again... that's not always the case, is it? No... not nowadays. It's usually just about the money nowadays, and it rips me apart.

I lay in bed and thought;
What would make any 'normal' human being do it? Out of love? Hatered? Jealousy? Boredom? Or was it just to erase the memories permanently in the stupidest and most painful way possible?

It would have to be pretty well set out. You would have to make sure that there was no evidence left of you (eg. No DNA, finger prints, skin under finger nails if you fought with your victim, shoe prints, etc.) and you would have to hide the murder weapon or at least hide out for a while to let the bruises heal f you beat your victim to death with your bear hands.

As you can see, I think about death quite alot. Not that I am depressed or anything like that. No, I'm over that. It's just to think for a few breif moments, how someone could be so heartless or soulless to murder someone in cold blood. What is the benifit gained? You end up in jail, you're spat upon as a piece of shit and you have to carry the physical/mental scars with you for life.
Was it hard to kill? Did it take up all of your guts and courage to even face the person you were going to kill? Or was it just a two second thing and it was done?

I don't know...

I understand the feeling of wanting to hurt or just punch some random object, but to take a life and know that this person will never have a chance to live life to the full, it just seems kind of wasted.

This may sound stupid coming from me as the writer of "Clutching the Blade" and other blood filled scripts, and I understand that I thought of it all, but I guess I would have to be pretty insane if I wanted to go THAT far. Let my imagination be released in reality.

Anyhow, sorry for boring you. Please forgive me.
August 2nd, 2008 at 08:55am