tragedy has struck...

The Cab has a little thing in cosmo-girl. it has there picture and says this...."The Cab has a chechered past: Vocalist Alex DeLeon and bassist Cash Colligan were archenemies in High School, fighting over a girl. But they bonded over music and started a band- and soon hailed themselves a record deal on Pete Wentz's label, Decaydance/Fueled By Ramen. Download this: "I'll Run," From their debut album, Whisper War

Don't get me wrong I am beyond happy for them, but I'm not gonna lie, I cried when I read this.
As much as I want them to get big and huge and have everyone hear there music, I want them to always be my little baby band.
I want them to be able to still play little venues and be able to hang out with the fan after shows. And I want them to connect with the audience and not have about 1,000 screaming fan girls after them the whole time.
I want them to remember the real fans who go to every concert of there's when there in town.
I want them to remember the true fans who would do anything in the world for them.

I also don't want there to be the girls who are like. "OMG!! MARSHALL!!! YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!!! AHH I LOVE YOU!!!" and be like "Omg, I just like love The Cab." And then when you try to have a conversation with them about The Boys and you're like "Me to! Whats you're favorite song?" they'll be like " one about running??" I'm afraid that's gonna happen.

I'm not worried about them selling out, I know they would never do that, just because if you actually talk to them, you can tell there the most down-to-Earth guys out there.

But I'm afraid Peter Wentz is gonna make them to mainstream.

Give me your opinions on this please.
Be completely honest, if you think I'm totally wrong for thinking all of this, call me out.
I want trueful opinions here.


here is them on
Picture of them...well go to number 11 to see them.

Truth or Dare With The Cab
The video with Truth or Dare is totally worth watching. Not ever kidding. Its arodable!!
August 2nd, 2008 at 10:32pm