loves hugs and a game of twenty questions.

hey everyone! okay I'm finally back on the internet today and i have already posted two chapters for tokio dream. and I'm hoping to post a third one sometime tonight. i might be able to post more with in the next few days because when i was out for my run las night i was chased by a bee and after running the first 3km i twisted my ankle and i had to continue running for another 3km with my ankle cause of that stupid bee. so i was told to stay off of it... so i will be listening to music and typing up my stories or talking to people all day:)

I'm going to also answer some e-mails which i found weird but w.e.

Q)Whats your favorite color?
A)my favorite color is yellow and my favorite shade is black.

Q) Whats your favorite Band?

Q)Whats your favorite singer?
A) Katy Perry

Q) Whats your favorite food?
A) i like almost any food!! im not that picky.

Q) what sports do you like playing?
A) i play, Field hockey, floor hockey, beach volleyball, rugby, football, soccer, baseball, tennis, badminton.

Q) What instruments can you play?
A) i can play guitar, piano, trumpet, clarinet, drums, harmonica, flute (a bit).

Q) whats your favorite store?
A) well i like a lot of stores but my top three are garage, H&M and Ardene.

Q) what type of underwear do you wear?
A) well i think thats for me to know and for some of you to find out XP

Q)whats your label?
A) well you know what i really dont give a shit what my label is and you guys can label me all you want but dont tell me cause I DONT CARE!

Q) if you could have money of happieness which would you chose?
A) i would choose money because i could buy my hapiness. i know a lot of you think its not true but it is!

i would buy a great big house for my family and my best friends to live in so i could see C. more and what could make someone more happy than seeing the bff's everyday??? and then i would donate some to charity's because i don't want to be the only one happy!

Q)what colors are your walls?
A)well my walls at my moms are still from when we first moved in, pink and purple...i wont be painting them anytime soon because hopefully where moving out of that house. and the walls at my dads are white because he just moved in and i will be painting them hopefully one wall black with yellow pink blue and green poke-a-dots one wall black with splash paint done in yellow pink blue and green, one wall with a rainbow and one wall black with graffiti done on it with spray paint.

Q) where do you live?
A) well right now i live with my mom in Brampton and then go to my dads in kitchener on weekends.......but this might be my last (school) year living with my mom in Brampton..... i might go live with my dad for grade 11 in kitchener.

Q) what teams/clubs were you on with the school?
A) i was on field hockey, badminton, cheerleading, i was in the musical, AV club.

Q) what makes you tick?
A) well its very easy to get me mad and some stuff that get me mad is when someone tries to tickle me.... I'm not ticklish it just annoys me. when people wont take no for an answer... no means no! when people are sexist or homophobic and say rude things about gays/lesbians/bi-sexual people.

Q)what is your favorite story on here?
A) i don't have a favorite story but my two favorite authors are Freak.Clara and Gidjet362 i love both the stories Shelby's writing and i love all the stories Clara's writing/written! but if you would like me to post a list of stories i am subscribed to i will:) and please let me know if there are any stories you think are really good i would be glad to read them:)

Q) are you single right now?
A) yes i'm single right now and for now im planing on stay that way until i find someone i wont dump after a week or two because of my commitment problems.... when a guy starts talking about are future together it just completely freaks me out!!!!!
if anyone has any questions about me i would be more than glad to answer them:)

Clara i was talking to this girl i know on msn the other day and shes like so i hear your getting together with one of Shelby's friends? and I'm like no....... I'm getting together with one of Shelby's AND my shes like well for all you know she could be a mass murderer!!! i was really mad at this point as said well i would trust here with my life before i would trust you!!!!!! and blocked her:@ she makes me mad.......

cant wait to see you!!! and i really hope i can get that job at Starbucks!!!!! i really need the money......$0.00 down $1222.00 to go:( lol...and i still need to find out how to get to toronto doesn't know if shes going to drive me down or if im going to be taking the

well i think that this journal is long enough so i'm going to go and post it then finish typing up another chapter for tokio dream.

talk you all later!!

-kisses- -hugs- -love- -misses- -and anything else i missed-

August 3rd, 2008 at 08:43pm