Breaking Dawn

Well, i just recently got finished with Breaking Dawn. One word to describe it- brilliant.
As Stephenie said, you really get the feeling of closure to the story. I tried my best to savor all of it's Breaking Dawn goodness; trying to absorb every word, knowing this was the end of the saga- but that was inevitable. I read too quickly, prying for every detail unknown to the public who hasn't read it yet. I wholeheartedly regretted that.

I was very intent on going to the debut party in Barnes and Nobles, but other plans interfered.
So if you did go, please tell me the details, it would be much appreciated. Therefore, the next day,I visited Barnes and Nobles to buy the book, but apparently they didn't have any other copies for people who didn't pre-order it. Agh. I nearly was tempted to incapacitate the person who informed me that. I needed the book now, I wouldn't settle for buying it the next day, all due to my Twilight obsession. Good news was I found it at Wal-Mart. Ah, good ol' Wal-Mart, and a much cheaper price too. =]

Despite the fact of my curiousness, Stephenie truly wrote the best ending possible.
Well maybe it's just me, probably different for you,but it was completely unlike how I thought it would end. Just read the damn book and you'll see. I'm sure as hell not giving out any details.=]
August 4th, 2008 at 03:07am