I can't control my heart

It just hurts.
It just hurts to know that you don’t love me back.

To see you turn your back at me.
To see you avoid making eye contact with me.
To see that you don’t smile back at me when I smile at you.
You just get a sad look on your face and then look another way.
To see you walk another way to the classroom just so you don’t happen to bump into me.
To just see you treat me like air.
And the few times I actually get to talk to you, you only answer with a few words and always make up excuses to get away from me.

It just hurts.
I can’t help it, you know?
I can’t help that I think you’re one of the most adorable guys in the world.
Neither can I help that I think you’re smart, cute and funny.
I can’t help that I love the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you gesture with your hands when you try to explain something.
I can’t help that I drown in your eyes and how I just want to brush away the hair that always seem to fall into your face.
I can’t help that I dream about you, that I wish that you just once could look at me and give me one of those smiles that makes me go weak.
And I certainly can’t help that I’m in love with you.
August 4th, 2008 at 06:02pm