Friend~Itsu Mademo Wasurenai ( Friend~I'll Never Forget You )

(Before you read this may I suggest you play tomodachi no uta from ojamajo doremi or friend itsu mademo wasurenai from digimon.Just saying it fits with the purpose..)

Today August 4,2008 a really good site named Fanlib shut down.So many people loved that site and I'm pretty sure that it pains all of us to know that it not coming back.I'm not really good with words but I wanted to write something to let people know about this devastating(yes it is that tragic)event.

I joined fanlib August 9,2007 if my memory is correct and I just joined to write a single review for a story I liked.I was never one to really join sites but just browse through them.A day later I was sent a simple friend request of course I accepted just to get it out of the way but after that is when I really started to love fanlib.That one accepted friend request made me have thousands of threads.I know that you proabaly stopped reading this after the first sentence,heck nobody might not read this at all but I'm going to continue anyway.Now even though I had all thoughs threads I never really payed attention to them you know just continued to read stories.Then one day I just randomly decided to enter one of their conversations.That is how I met the crazy people that I now call family.

We really did have fun times on fanlib.You could really talk about anything and people would listen that what made it so great.Once we had a conversation that involed barney,monkey faires,and mew mew foxes that throw parfaits for attacks.If people told us there birthday we would have parties as well.My friend brit had ten parties for one birthday.No matter what time you were on you always had somebody to talk to.For instance I woke up at three in the morning one time and my friend damn_the_dane was still on.He was one of my besties sort of like an older brother..

Almost all the people up there were either my brothers sisters aunts grandmas and of course I had a mother...but no father surprisingly.I had many siblings but the ones I was closest to were Kiyosan,Inusora3,Ryu,,and Faanfiiiction.

Faaanfiction was my oldest sister and first she was one crazy girl.She dated gaara once who raped her with his eyes,and even safed me from spongebob when he went on his killing spree one night.She also liked(obsessed) over sasori as well.Even though she did all that crazy stuff she's still kind and very under standing jus tlike a big sister.

Kiyosan now she's the more stricter sister even being the youngest before me.Married to kakashi in more than one way(I have no idea what that is suppose to mean and it's nothing perverted it just felt like the thing to say XP)Kiyo-neechan was really fun.She listened to all people and was really nice and calm.I've barely ever seen her pissed off...(except that one time at inusora that scene was really grapic not for little kids X3)Anywho she also was very athletic could kick anybody's butt in softball.

Ahh now for Inusora3.Aka Emo-kun for some people*coughasamicough*Yup that was his nickname but he wasn't really emo or so he said,My opinion he was just depressed.Nii-chan was the person you went to when you needed really good advice just like my big sister he was good at listening.He was very deep in my opinion and always knew the right thing to say..most of the time.If it wasn't the right thing to say then he might acidently say the thing that would piss you off.

Last but not least Ryu.Ryu is my only neko brother and sister which ever personality you want to use but I call her onee-chan.Any way I met ryu as dy one day just talking about mew mew power the english dub of tokyo mew mew after that it seems like I was talking to her more and day I started to call her onee-chan.Yeah I know not the most exciting story but that's how I remember it...Ryu-onee-chan is a very good sister a love her and all of her laziness.(that's alot of laziness)

Umm that's enough about family I really wanted to finish this before twelve and it's 11:58 so I'll skip ahead to the end.Back to what I said in the beggining Fanlib was a really great site and all my friends that was up there as wel as me are sad that it has shut down.I don't care if you get mad at me for talking about an old site up here but I still wanted to type about.We have joined many of new websites hoping to get that same feeling that we found on fanlib but I don't think any of these can stand up to it.Sure I like Mibba but fanlib was my first home I may live here for now but it won't replace the feeling you get on fanlib.Teehee I think I might adopt a road here in North Carolina and name it after fanlib.Any way it's 12:08 and I didn't finish in time but still all the fanlib refugees that might be reading this *coughasamicough* I want you to say that fanlib might be gone and we can't live in the past for too long(I'm still there my self but I'm moving out soon...maybe a year or two...)and well please don't be too down about it we still have each other ne?So the memory of fanlib will live on.

Never give up continue writing let the stories continue....

R.I.P. Fanlib

Wow that journal entry was long..and kind of serious.I haven't been that serious in a while.....*sigh*I need cookies <_<
August 5th, 2008 at 06:22am